January 11, 2004

زلال ، شفاف ،دوست داشتني ... باران . تبلور سخاوت ، بي هيچ دغدغه اي از منفعت


HTTP://ITIRAN.COM سايت تخصصي فن آوري اطلاعات
e-buy هديه سال نو

4 - Divari

هنر، تنها خلق يك اثر نيست
جاودانه ساختن يك احساس است
Computer Graphics

The Computer Graphics Lab of the University of Waterloo concentrates on research in curve and surface design, rendering, colour imaging, and user interfaces. The CGL is characterized by its eclectic approach to computer graphics and user interface research, which in turn has spawned a creative and dynamic environment. This interdisciplinary nature, as illustrated by the CGL's relationship with the UW Psychology Department, has enriched the pursuit of topics such as the visual perception of displays and colour printing. Collaboration with the Fine Arts department has produced a series of animated shorts which have fostered an awareness of the need for synergy between artist and technician. This holistic direction of graphics research provides a rewarding environment for faculty member and student alike.

January 10, 2004

اين سايت را حتما ببينيد
