سر قولم بودم . اين هم منابع كامپيوترهاي نسل جديد
DNA Computer
- DNA Computing : A Primer
Will Ryu /Copyright © 1998-2004 Ars Technica, LLC
- DNA Computer Combats Cancer Cells
Discovery Communications Inc/ April 30, 2004
- DNA computer could target cancer/ 29 April 2004
- Smart drugs to replace doctors / http://www.irishhealth.com/index.html?level=4&id=3809
- DNA Computer : Computing next generation
Jayesh Chudasama, 19/03/2004
- DNA computer plays tic-tac-toe By Michael Stroh, The Baltimore Sun, August 18, 2003; Robert S. Boyd, Knight Ridder Newspapers, August 18, 2003
- Test tube holds a trillion computers
BBC News Online's Ivan Noble / 21 November, 2001
- Adleman, L.M., Molecular computation of solutions to combinatorial problems, Science, 226 (1994), 1021-1024 - Journal reference: " Nature Biotechnology" - Olympus develops DNA computer By Kuriko Miyake, IDG News Service - DNA computer’ cracks code By Katie Pennicott,PhysicsWeb. - How DNA Computers Will Work by Kevin Bonsor Graphical version: DNA Computer : Computing next generation.
- DNA 'Computer Able to Detect CancerBy CHRIS KAHN / The Associated Press
- Electronic properties of DNA Feature : August 2001
Featured Articles:
Y A Berlin, A L Burin and M A Ratner 2001 Charge hopping in DNA J. Am. Chem. Soc. 123 260268
M Bixon et al. 1999 Long-range charge hopping in DNA Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. 96 11713
E Braun et al. 1998 DNA-templated assembly and electrode attachment of a conducting silver wire Nature 391 775
H-W Fink and C Schönenberger 1999 Electrical conduction through DNA molecules Nature 398 407
B Giese et al. 2001 Direct observation of hole transfer through DNA by hopping between adenine bases and by tunnelling Nature 412 318
A Kasumov et al. 2001 Proximity-induced superconductivity in DNA Science 291 280
S O Kelley and J K Barton 1999 Electron transfer between bases in double helical DNA Science 283 375
F D Lewis et al. 1997 Distance-dependent electron transfer in DNA hairpins Science 277 673
D Porath et al. 2000 Direct measurement of electrical transport through DNA molecules Nature 403 635
A J Storm et al. 2001 Insulating behavior for DNA molecules between nanoelectrodes Appl. Phys. Lett. submitted
T A Taton, C A Mirkin and R L Letsinger 2000 Scanometric DNA array detection with nanoparticle probes Science 289 1757
E Winfree et al. 1998 Design and self-assembly of two dimensional DNA crystals Nature 394 539
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